
White puffs, like dreams go floating by,
Long streamers with even longer tails,
Casting shadows to the ground,
Like thoughts milling around.

Gigantic and towering, with thunder and rain,
Lightening that flashes, with quick and sudden bursts,
With a wall of hard rain, and some hail to boot,
What’s that I see, a funnel or a spout?

Billowing puffs that float gently by,
The creation of animals and humans alike,
Shapes upon shapes, cotton candy most like,
A dog and cat, or maybe a horse or a cow?

But a cowboy’s gaze toward a lone single cloud,
Not longing for cuteness, just wishing for rain,
To nourish the land and settle the dust,
Give his cows a good drink, and maybe fill is tank.

But gaze as he might, the cloud just floats on by,
Stirring the wind and the dust devils a mite,
Just when he think the clouds gone from sight,
Thunder shakes the ground, as rain runs tiny rivers,
Through dry grass, and dry cracks alike.

@Jim Kitchens
Brady, Texas