Thunder rolls, lightening screams
Cattle mill, snort and stomp
Torrents fall like sleet from hell
Riders haunched against the rain
God, please don't let'em run
Trees explode, then sizzle out
The cattle shift, one starts trot
One starts to run, then hell breaks out
Thunder rolls but not from high
Ten thousends hoofs ....... O'God
First time out, first cattle drive
Away from home and Family lost
Prays out loud, sound is lost
Wind shrieks and lightening strikes
A place to hide, a tree
A rock, a screaming sound
A horse is down, a rider mauled
Ten thousend hoofs or one in all
Hat plastered back, rain, can't see
Where's the front or just the side
Riders pass as if in dreams
Motion slows, but regains speed
My horse is slipping, going down
Please dear God, don't let him fall
Hit the ground, rolling, rolling, then...
Cold dead eyes, upward stare
Gripping fear still showing clear
First cattle drive, first time out
Jim Kitchens
Brady, Texas